Hell No!

Lex Luthor Leaves Smallville

Thanks for the memories. I will now bid you adieu.

Say it isn’t so! Michael Rosenbaum that sexy bald headed baddie is leaving Smallville! Michael, in a letter to fans, said that the current season showing in the U.S. will be his last as Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor. The actor said he was leaving the show to start the next chapter in his life and career.

According to the CW Network and show executives, two new villains will join the cast next season. The first will be the legendary Doomsday followed by a female antagonist who will challenge Clark in ways never before imagined.

An excerpt from Michael’s letter to his fans reads:
I hope that I gave you some enjoyment over the years, and that you found my portrayal of Lex Luthor to be satisfying. I am truly grateful, as Smallville fans are the best fans out there. I sincerely hope that you will continue to follow my career through my hair growth period and beyond.

Sumber : http://galaxieblog.com.my <---galaxie blog

p/s:hell no.less and less spices to the very interesting tv series, Smallville.

And to you Lex Luthor.you always have a choice. Good luck in future undertaking!