You know where I am suppose to be this morning.Yes,Church.But why I am still busy blogging?The bus heading to church just left me.Sepik asai nuan(*that's what Ibanese always said).Can't help but blame myself for being so stupid and lazy woke up earl in the morning.Man, you got 6 days in a week and only 1 day to dedicate yourself to God.And still you can't do that?Poor me.No.Pathetic me.Yes,I'm pathetic.At this very moment I felt so sorry for myself.Regret.Miserably angry to myself.Why I am being so idiot this morning?Huh~.I still remember Kay remind me not to being so careless.You know what, I blame Nor for left my handphone at the living room,since she forced for being so late yesterday.
Kay:Thanks for being such a good dude.
Nor:I am deeply sorry for I had said to you earlier.
My point here is,why we seldom pointing the blame on ourselves.Always find a way to blame things on other people when thing goes wrong or not fall into it's places.I myself always do that.1 finger point at others and I never realised that four other fingers point at me back.For some people,it is a good to protect yourself by simply put the burden on other's shoulder when it suppose to be yours.They never realise how much hurt the people might be.Selfishness.It is good to be self centered sometimes.To protect self dignity,self pride or anything that self-related matter.But can't we for some other times,blame on ourself?For she or he also have his/her own pride or dignity or privacy?We thought we are a good example already.No,we are not good enough yet until we learn how to learn value others and accept them as who thy are.
Mek nek kuk membasak entry kuk ni,mesti ein busik.Nyuk eang majan lelok,lomuak mesej ein.
"Happy Sunday,sebayang kou mengovun ni nyen?"
balas kuk "Ajin bau uak ni nyen.Eang logan c day sebayang uni"
Mek kouw mare entry kuk ni Nek,menyak uak karen liwo bejelap apun kouw.Tapi,kuasa tek wek menggoda na kelalu mat.Lelomuak uak pun tago gego inek din.Ngelapan mengovun na uni..Seliwo legok c uak.Lomuak c bus stand eri.Deriak menak bus na.Aget v kiloy-kiloy.Tupu na keri uak apun kafe melei danum duk.Dik ah.Sajak di suwuk lalu le uak mengovun na kiram.tupu .Belo uak busik do baley.Ulak di na.Kut ke lo-e Nek tago-tago.Kekedowp mato noku bus ai.Kosik nyanyam nu.Ulik uak tek eri.
"Inuk kouw menak uak keni Tuhan?"
Kena ke lo-e bek ingat kuk eri.Jejarun ini,asin nyan wek salak atau wek eang notuang or konguown deruak,mesti kavei uak busik Ein.Semua wek salak mesti uak busik Ein.Tapi Ein na eang kala pelo-e unak.Busik ke uak,tagen ke uak,bu'ut ke uak.Petiva kuk menak Ein.Eang vei Ein na mingai.
"Nu menak kou moku uak keni?"
Na bareng kejam kuk.Melavau kena bareng.
Tapi,jik alouw migu ini,nyaan wek marak bek uak.Nu uak kelalu busik menak Ein?Jejarun ini uni,kala kouw melavau bek ou lepu'un..
"Inuk kouw menak Tuhan keni" "Inuk kou moku Ein keni" Na lah to morip ni,jarang kavi menyalak lepu'un asin nyan wek salak.Kut ke gaya narak kuk bek nivou na,jik kusuk nu menusuk do,pat kusuk menusuk kouw balik.Tek kena baruk uak jam.Tek kena baruk uak sadein.Ein sajak eang kala peloie unam.Tapi,Ein nyaan tago unam.Asin masa-masa darurat bareng,baruk ein nyaan peloie.Apun arin,apun bekang,apun sawi jik eang vi jam Ein na,duang le kopat mopap ro.Urip to ni aget v mosuk.Boleh jadi urip to ni kelalu kivuk.Gela do jam unai alouw ein moku Dunya ni.