I'm Back!

Hey friends and dear blog readers.
It's been almost fortnight since my last post.And,hell yeah..my blog kind of deserted a while.But it's just me that tremendously busy with all kind of ass-ignment,homework,projects,task...you name it.Pretty tough huh.Starts with a complaint or to make it sounds nice, feedback I had from friends and bloggers out there, asking me to stop using my mothertounge when delivering my post/entry.Why?Simply because the crowd does not know what am I rants about.Okay2..I'm sorry for that.I know that there are hundreds of people that does not know what is the subject matter.But guys, there are my cousins, my childhood friends that understand the language so well.And, they really look forward to read my post in my own native language.That is why I'm writing in the un-digestable Sarawak language here.To say the least.But to have a translation is such a good idea.I would consider that next time,okay pal.

I think that makes a paragraph already. Enough with that monotonous introduction. Now I'm going to explain why I am been away for so long.(hellow..even 2 days is already long for avid bloggers occay!).My first excuse is,the internet connection in my room.What is the point of having a laptop or PC's nowadays if you are not equipped with internet access?So,here is the thing.My antivirus was out dated since last semester(0kay!). The Kaspersky Lab had detected the person that using corrupted license key.And I am one of them.So,my antivirus was blacklisted then.Until one day,I realised that there is something wrong attached in my network devices.I mean for us here in UMP we only have the Network Card for LAN and wireless. After exploring my own laptop at that time, I just noticed that there is a weird device name WAN miniport.It's ok then if it there.Maybe I have them while access to internet publicly at KL or any metropolitan.Since the WAN device looks like an unimportant stuff to me,then I try to delete them all.And you know what,it can't be deleted.So,to cut the story short, I format my laptop and here I am again,blogging!

The second excuse for not updating my blog is the fact that we had to run a program under Cultural Club which was held at KMPh.And me being the ticket seller was the craziest man ever at the particular week because I had to think any possible strategies to make sure that there are students that goint to the nite.huh~tough huh.The first day was so sad.I even manage to sell 7 tickets only. But faith keeps me awake.And my ticket was sold like a pisang goreng panas.

Guys I need to rush now.Have some deals at the KK1.Be back soon,I swear.


I'm back again!I went out to have lunch with lovely Madam Mala, Juma and Daoz. It's been a while.And I still craving for their ikan patin gulai tempoyak with daun kesum.Really tantalizing.Besides, I had to rush to the Bendahari Office to settle up Convo fee for one of my senior.Happy convo in adnvance!

Third excuse why I failed to connecting myself to the virtual world is because I'm third year now.So,what is the big deal? It is big deal man. Firstly, I have to complete my undergraduate project or PSM or FYP.The toughest subject of all I guess.Supposedly we need to submit the chapter 2 by this evening.And thank god that my Supervisor is still in Europe,so we can submit the document after the mid semester break.Fuh~
Secondly, varsity student best friend = ASSignment.Never get enough of it.There are like weekly assignment and monthly assignment.It's pretty hard to meet the deadline if you are the person that like to postpone things like me.Believe me,never try to postpone any of your work.
Thirdly, documentation. That is what makes you a software engineer. Produce a excellent documentation and you are ready for market.huhu..

Okay,that is excuses that constraint me to keep in touch with online community. But I am busy with my career also. Ehm..look who is talking lah..hehe. Dancing is my drug now.Never get enough of it.Tomorrow there will be show at Swiss Garden Hotel for IIUM Medical Faculty function.Then next week we will be performing at Graduate's Dinner and Expoconvo Dinner which is guess at the same menu as last year, Hyatt Regency Teluk Cempedak.Life is very exciting when you work with what you love and with people that know you the most. And I really enjoy performing show.Until when?No idea.

Jadi, adakah anda berpuas hati dengan kemaskini kiriman saya pada kali ini?Saya akan cuba untuk berbahasa Malaysia walaupun tidaklah sehebat mana. Bahasa Inggeris pun masih perlu diperbaiki.Yang penting mesej yang ingin saya sampaikan kepada anda semua sampai dan mudah untuk difahami.Sudah lama saya cuba untuk mengirimkan entry berbahasa Malaysia,namun masih belum terbuka hati atas beberapa kekangan.Dari masa ke semasa, saya akan berusaha menulis dalam bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris juga.

Dalam kesibukan mengimbangi antara akademik dan kareer, saya pun kadang-kadang sering merasa begitu rendah dan letih.Sehinggakan pernah bertanya kepada diri sendiri, untuk apakah saya berbuat semua ini?Maksudnya, setiap hari saya melakukan benda yang sama, pagi ke kelas dan malam latihan.Sehinggakan saya rasa terlalu letih untuk melakukan semua ini.Saya merasa terlalu letih untuk mennguruskan portfolio kelab, hadir ke kuliah dan menyiapkan tugasan yang diberikan.

As a wrap,I wonder why the grass always look greener on the other side?