God's Greatest Gift

I am not enough a good boy.
I am the one that always been so rough with you.
I am the one that did not call back when you did missed call.
I did not reply your sms.
Only to say that everything is okay here.
I am the one who does all the cheating and the lies.

For all that stupidity and foolness I have.
Then I realize.
How strong and devoted you are.
How passionate and patience is your heart.
Make sure everything is okay.
Even outside is raining heavily.
How determined is your heart.
To say everything is okay.
Even when everything is turned upside down.

Forgive me for all those bad doing.
And for being that naughty kid.
And so,
I will try to be the best.
And to let you feel that your life is worth living.

Last Gawai scene with my makhluk Tuhan paling sexy.